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Our Ballet division supports and utilizes the methods and syllabi of the Royal Academy of Dance as well as free work and techniques gained from global experience.  


The Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) is one of the world’s most influential dance education organizations. It offers a portfolio of examinations, designed to motivate and encourage students through a systematic measurement of progress and attainment.  Our school works towards preparing students to participate in the Royal Academy of Dance Ballet Examinations from Primary and up. Candidates are chosen at the discretion of the teachers and should attend at least two classes per week if considering examination entry in the Children’s Graded work. Vocational Graded preparation increases the hours per week as the levels get higher.


Founded in 1920 to set standards for dance teaching in the UK, today we have a presence in 85 countries, with 36 offices and approximately 14,000 members worldwide. We count more than 1,000 students in our teacher training programmes and more than a quarter of a million students are being examined on our syllabi. We support our membership through the knowledge and expertise of our highly qualified staff and through conferences, workshops, training courses and summer schools. For more information on the RAD, please visit their website at:

Tiny Tots 

Ages 3 - 4

The following is a partial list of the joy and wealth of knowledge your children will benefit from in their earliest of dance experiences.

  • Classroom etiquette: Respect for teachers, respect for others, respect for selves.

  • Grooming for Dance

  • Nursery rhymes, stories and actions

  • Basic anatomy and how to work the different parts in Ballet

  • Mime

  • Music appreciation, rhythm and interpretation

  • Introduction to basic Ballet positions

  • Creative movement

  • Making new friends

  • Working together with a partner

  • Basics of Dance formations: working in lines, circles, pairs, traveling, etc.

  • Musical children’s games

  • Year end Performance

  • “Thank Yous” and Curtseys





Ages 5+

This class is a continuation and development of the pre-school program (see above) and gradually introduces a little more structure leading into the RAD Primary in Dance level. No previous experience necessary

  • Introduction to the methods of the Royal Academy of Dance

  • Introduction to the basic steps and putting them together with music


Ages 6+

Children start to develop a stronger sense of self, and on top of all of the fun, they begin to make use of long term memory. The goal of this program is to awaken in the children the pleasure of dance movement and body awareness. The instructor makes use of props and materials to stimulate the curiosity of the child and facilitate the understanding of the movement. Emphasis is given on creativity, expressiveness, and musicality while introducing a set syllabus.

RAD Graded Syllabus 
Grade 1-8 Awards

Ages 6 +

These syllabi provide a broad practical dance education, progressively developing the technical, musical and performance skills of the student. They incorporate Classical Ballet, Free Movement and Character. Classical ballet is the core of the syllabus. Free Movement incorporates movements in common with dance genres such as Natural Movement, Contemporary and Classical Greek. Character is the theatrical presentation of national dance using ethnic dance and music, which has been freely adapted for the theatre. Syles have been selected for study: Hungarian, Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish and Polish.


These levels are appropriate for students from the age of six years and upwards, and can provide challenging and rewarding training to the end of high school.                      



RAD Vocational Graded Syllabus

Ages 11+

This develops the technique, music and performance skills of the older ballet student to an advanced level, preparing them for a dance or dance-related career. These higher levels are accepted as a measure of achievement by the vocational schools attended by most young people aiming to enter the dance profession. They are also highly valued by universities and other institutions offering degree courses and programmes in the performing arts. Exam entry is at the discretion of the teachers.

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